Streaming to Make Organization's Communication Truly Effective.
We have a challenge.
Major organization meetings canceled. Travel restricted. The triple whammy of the virus pandemic, markets falling, and an oil and gas crisis. But, employees, wherever they may work, still need reassurance and critical information. How do you get information to your employees quickly, globally, all at once?
You stream it. It sounds simple, but it's not. Here are four tips to help you plan your next employee communication stream.
1. You need an experienced streaming crew that is scalable to your needs and the size of your organization. The iPhone is a great device, but not the correct tool for this job.
2. You need a script. Having a cohesive message is critical in times of stress. The message needs to be clear and concise. A good production company can help you write this script and sculpt your message.
3. You need a secure/reliable Internet connection. Facebook is not secure or robust enough to cut it for your company. Your content is valuable, and having a secure connection will keep you and your legal department happy.
4. Talk with your employees, not at them. With the right streaming software, you can set up two-way interactive communications. If you’re streaming an important message from your CEO, an employee at home half a world away should be able to ask timely questions. The software should also record the streaming session so that you can utilize the assets as dynamically as you see fit.
Bonus tip: You want to choose a platform that has dynamic playback and will adapt to your stream. This way every employee can participate. No one likes buffering!
Let’s face it, we are in a new communications paradigm. But you still have a job to do. Live streaming, either in a controlled studio environment or remotely is how we move forward.
Have more questions about streaming? Contact South Coast Film and Video and we would love to share our solutions with you.